Karel VOTIPKA is for many people a synonym of great invention, brilliant craftsmanship and careful choice of stones. Karel works on his jewels from the very source. When he uses Czech stones he leaves, armed with a hammer, for the countryside where he looks for suitable minerals and then he cuts the stone and fits it into the jewel. The choice of stone is always his priority. Karel’s breakthrough on the international design scene was the New York exhibition at the Helen Drutt’s gallery in 1999. His collection was seen by Madeleine K. Albright and she bought one of Karel’s brooches. Jewellery by Karel Votipka is not only decoration – when not worn they become a cabinet sculpture.
Gallery KusKovu presented Karel’s work together with pieces by Irena Vesela Rendlova during an exhibition in November 2008. Another exhibition, this time with Rachel Epstein, was held by KusKovu in autumn 2010 link and the latest one in May 2014.