exhibition of jewellery, artworks and paintings
19.3. - 19.4.2013
Magda Bartova, Pavlina Cambalova, Klara Cechlovska, Pavel Hubsch, Ondrej Konecny, Jan Kroupa, Lukas Kucera, Iveta Kucerova, Marta Svajdova, Ondrej Vins, Martin Vodak
Eleven young artists present their recent work in jewellery, glass engraving, artworks and paintings. Members of this group are from different towns of the Czech Republic and they are connected mainly by their love of art and craft and also by being graduates of the Secondary School of Applied Arts in Turnov. The motto of this exhibition is a short line from the book Terre des hommes by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry: "I swear that what I went through, no animal would have gone through." The artists point to the toughness of human beings, their creativity and fantasies which lead them to their longed-for goals.
- Sandra Tepla "Entwined"
- Igor, Kristian and Sebastian Kitzberger "Kitzberger³"
- St Peter's Forging Festival (Svatopetrske kovani)
- Karel Votipka, Milostovice Smithy "Men matter"
- Lucie Nepasicka, Gabriela Nahlikova "U.F.O."
- Hanus Lamr "Jewellery", Ivana Matejkova "Photographs"
- St Peter's Forging Festival (Svatopetrske kovani)
- Kamila Housova Mizerova, Denisa Sedlakova "Games"
- Florian Lamprecht, Margrit Reinhardtová "DIOGENESSEY"
- Exhibition of graduates of SUPS Turnov "Nocturne"
- Auction of Designs for Amelie Award
- Designs for Amelie Award
- Lada Vosejpková "All about citruses"
- Hiroaki Miyayama, Toba Toshiyuki, Vaclav Kucera
- Tomas Prochazka "Jewellery"
- Alice Waisserová, David Habermann "Resonance"
- Hemse Ismail “Life as jewellery – jewellery as life”
- Igor Kitzberger "Sculptures"
- Ondřej Svoboda "Objects"
- zazu laka "mal mini", Vladimir Palecek "With a heavy head"
- Monica Maestrelli "Italian Design", Frank Dituri "In Presenza"
- Vera Novakova, Lina Nemeth "Test connection"
- Axel T Schmidt "STIFFENSTUFF"