exhibition of jewellery and forged objects
14.5. - 13.6.2014
The exhibition with slightly chauvinistic name "Men matter" presents the latest jewellery by the renowned Czech designer Karel Votipka, along with forged objects by a group of four artist-blacksmiths working under the collective name Milostovice Smithy - Ondrej Gela, Stanislav Holik, Jan Balner and Jan Braus.
The exposition will be complemented by the work of jewellery designer Jiri Bros and photographs by Lenna Berrie.
The artists were put together by the museum of Prospector Henry, eternal rebel and legendary Czech gold-digger, in Zlate Hory. Last year they introduced a joint exposition which led the curator of the exhibition (the son of the Prospector Henry, Patrik Horelica) to the idea of a larger presentation in Prague's Gallery KusKovu.
- Sandra Tepla "Entwined"
- Igor, Kristian and Sebastian Kitzberger "Kitzberger³"
- St Peter's Forging Festival (Svatopetrske kovani)
- Karel Votipka, Milostovice Smithy "Men matter"
- Lucie Nepasicka, Gabriela Nahlikova "U.F.O."
- Hanus Lamr "Jewellery", Ivana Matejkova "Photographs"
- St Peter's Forging Festival (Svatopetrske kovani)
- Kamila Housova Mizerova, Denisa Sedlakova "Games"
- Florian Lamprecht, Margrit Reinhardtová "DIOGENESSEY"
- Exhibition of graduates of SUPS Turnov "Nocturne"
- Auction of Designs for Amelie Award
- Designs for Amelie Award
- Lada Vosejpková "All about citruses"
- Hiroaki Miyayama, Toba Toshiyuki, Vaclav Kucera
- Tomas Prochazka "Jewellery"
- Alice Waisserová, David Habermann "Resonance"
- Hemse Ismail “Life as jewellery – jewellery as life”
- Igor Kitzberger "Sculptures"
- Ondřej Svoboda "Objects"
- zazu laka "mal mini", Vladimir Palecek "With a heavy head"
- Monica Maestrelli "Italian Design", Frank Dituri "In Presenza"
- Vera Novakova, Lina Nemeth "Test connection"
- Axel T Schmidt "STIFFENSTUFF"