exhibition of sculptures and objects
19.9. - 31.10.2014
In autumn 2014 Igor Kitzberger and his two sons, Kristian and Sebastian, will exhibit their latest work.
For Igor Kitzberger figurative work is especially characteristic. Among his favourite themes are anonymous dancers, musicians or actors as well as the great figures of Czech and world history. Kitzberger is fascinated by movement and emotions and often tightens the proportions of his figures ad absurdum.
Kristian Kitzberger is a student of the 2nd grade at the sculpture department of Prague's Academy of Arts, Architecture and Design. He works mainly with metal which he often, in cooperation with his brother, combines with glass.
Sebastian Kitzberger, a student of the 3rd grade at the glass department of Prague's Academy of Arts, Architecture and Design, has chosen glass as his material - against family tradition. He was awarded the "Designblok 2014 Talent Card", which is given to only three young designers. That he is a little bit a of rebel (albeit with a very good manners) is shown in another of his works - a glass carafe and set of glasses with punk "bracelets" fashioned from leather and studs
- Sandra Tepla "Entwined"
- Igor, Kristian and Sebastian Kitzberger "Kitzberger³"
- St Peter's Forging Festival (Svatopetrske kovani)
- Karel Votipka, Milostovice Smithy "Men matter"
- Lucie Nepasicka, Gabriela Nahlikova "U.F.O."
- Hanus Lamr "Jewellery", Ivana Matejkova "Photographs"
- St Peter's Forging Festival (Svatopetrske kovani)
- Kamila Housova Mizerova, Denisa Sedlakova "Games"
- Florian Lamprecht, Margrit Reinhardtová "DIOGENESSEY"
- Exhibition of graduates of SUPS Turnov "Nocturne"
- Auction of Designs for Amelie Award
- Designs for Amelie Award
- Lada Vosejpková "All about citruses"
- Hiroaki Miyayama, Toba Toshiyuki, Vaclav Kucera
- Tomas Prochazka "Jewellery"
- Alice Waisserová, David Habermann "Resonance"
- Hemse Ismail “Life as jewellery – jewellery as life”
- Igor Kitzberger "Sculptures"
- Ondřej Svoboda "Objects"
- zazu laka "mal mini", Vladimir Palecek "With a heavy head"
- Monica Maestrelli "Italian Design", Frank Dituri "In Presenza"
- Vera Novakova, Lina Nemeth "Test connection"
- Axel T Schmidt "STIFFENSTUFF"